

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Scott Wallace

Served Since: 2017

Mr. Wallace is a 1996 graduate of Fraser High School and the Macomb Mathematics Science and Technology Center. For the past 15 years, he has worked as a Network Engineer at Comcast. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Information Systems from Franklin University.

Mr. Wallace and his wife Jackie have three Fraser High School graduates.

Mr. Wallace’s term expires December 31, 2030.



Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Todd Koch

Vice President
Served Since: 2015

Mr. Koch’s experience serving on the Strategic Planning Committee for the District during the 2013-14 school year prompted him to run for election to the school board. Mr. Koch earned a master’s degree in Business and Administration degree from Walsh College.

He and his wife Maria live in Fraser and have two daughters, one who attends Fraser Public Schools and one FHS graduate.

Mr. Koch's term expires December 31, 2026.



Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Robyn Norbeck

Served Since: 2021

Mrs. Norbeck is a longtime PTO member at Emerson Elementary and was appointed to the Board in February 2021. She works as a Registered Nurse for Ascension Health. 

She and her husband, Johnny, live in Fraser and have five children, four of whom attend Fraser Public Schools and one FHS graduate. 

Mrs. Norbeck’s term expires December 31, 2028.



Degrees and Certifications:

Dr. Kathleen Moco

Served Since: 2023

Dr. Moco holds a Doctor of Business Administration degree with a specialization in Social Impact Management.

She is the proud parent of two Fraser students and resides in the city of Fraser.

Dr. Moco’s term expires December 31, 2030.



Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Abigail Wasil, JD

Served Since 2022

Ms. Wasil is a lawyer in Metro Detroit. She was appointed to the Board in July 2022. 

She is a lifelong resident of Fraser and attended Edison Elementary.

Ms. Wasil's term expires December 31, 2026.



Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Rebecca Jensen

Served Since: 2023

Mrs. Jensen was appointed to the Board in March 2023. 

Mrs. Jensen and her family have been a part of Fraser Public Schools since 2009, and have resided in the city of Fraser for the past 10 years. She is the proud parent of four Fraser High School graduates: Katie (2015), Michael (2017), Rachel (2020) and Daniel (2022). Her youngest daughter currently attends Fraser High School. 

Mrs. Jensen's term expires December 31, 2030.