Attendance: 586.439.6890 | Office: 586.439.6800
We are excited to embark on the creation of our next strategic plan - a roadmap that will shape the next five years of excellence in Fraser Public Schools. Find out how you can ensure your voice is heard in this process.
Please do not plan to drop off food to your child at lunchtime.
Visiting our school? Please follow our new visitor process.
Main Office: 586.439.6800
Administrative Assistant: Marcy Krebs,
Principal: Anthony Birkmeier,
Sixth grade families, join us at RMS for 6th Grade Family night to help prepare your student for middle school!
Send Heart-A-Gram Valentines to your friends, child, or staff! Order soon!
Our Science Olympiad team is hosting a bottle and can drive!
Have children's' items you no longer need? Sell them at our second Mom 2 Mom sale!
Missed a Seahawk Scoop? Stay current with everything happening at Salk by viewing them here.
Help support our school by simply scanning your receipt!
Hearing Testing
Special Board Meeting
Valentines Spirit Week
Count Day