November 2023 - First Technology Purchases Approved

Updated sound systems in all elementary classrooms and new staff MacBooks are among the first group of technology purchases from the 2023 bond.


The board of education approved four bids totaling more than $766,000 at the September 25, 2023 meeting.


This is the first major purchase from the $59 million bond that was approved in May 2023. 


The approved bids include:

  • New sound system equipment in elementary and Dooley Center classrooms. The current equipment was purchased 10 years ago.
  • More than 70 iPad charging stations for all six elementary schools and the Dooley Center.
  • New MacBooks for all district staff 
  • 30 Dell Precision workstations for the Fraser High School CAD lab.


Roughly $10 million of the bond is earmarked for technology purchases, which will happen through the 2028-2029 school year.


The remaining $49 million of the bond is for construction projects, including safety enhancements, boiler and HVAC replacements, parking lot, curb and roofing work and purchasing new school buses.