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School Dress Code

As a reminder, our dress code is a district policy which is accessible as part of our Student Code of Conduct. The purpose of our dress code is to make sure that our students are dressed for learning success. Parents will be called to bring a change of clothing when students do not follow the district policy. Below are some of the most pertinent dress code guidelines. The following types of clothing are inappropriate for school and WILL NOT BE ALLOWED :



  • Hats, caps, hoods, bandannas, or other head coverings
  • See-through clothing or clothing that reveals students’ midriffs, bottoms, or undergarments
  • Shorts, skirts and dresses that are shorter than the tip of the student’s index finger when their arms are hanging down.
  • Clothes or accessories displaying offensive words and symbols, including those related to alcohol, illegal/controlled substances, tobacco products, weapons, sexual references and/or language disruptive to the educational process.
  • Beach-type footwear with exposed toes that can be dangerous during recess play. Sandals with heel straps are allowed.